How ARCD can help
The Albemarle RC&D Council can help public and private community groups and local governments in northeastern North Carolina carry out projects that protect natural and human resources while promoting economic development. Our level of involvement varies with a project depending on the capabilities of the organization sponsoring the project.
ARCD can provide:
Contact us at [email protected] or 252-482-7437 x120 about a potential project so we can discuss your ideas with you. Project proposals, submitted in writing, are considered by the ARCD Council. Consideration is given to the merits of the proposal, its impact on the environment and resources, its impact upon human resources, its potential for spurring economic development and the potential for the project to improve the standards of living for the region or the community.
ARCD can provide:
- assistance with grantwriting
- project design
- project management
- technical oversight
- environmental eucation
Contact us at [email protected] or 252-482-7437 x120 about a potential project so we can discuss your ideas with you. Project proposals, submitted in writing, are considered by the ARCD Council. Consideration is given to the merits of the proposal, its impact on the environment and resources, its impact upon human resources, its potential for spurring economic development and the potential for the project to improve the standards of living for the region or the community.
ARCD Project Photo Gallery